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Andrea Hendrzak, M.D.

Andrea J. Hendrzak, M.D.

Associate Professor of Surgery

Division of Vascular Surgery,
Department of Surgery, SUNY Downstate Medical Center


Tel: (718) 270-1035 | Fax: (718) 270-2762

e-mail: andrea.hendrzak@downstate.edu



Dr. Hendrzak received her medical degree from Temple University in 1994. She trained in general surgery at Easton Hospital (Pennsylvania), completing her residency in 1999.

Dr. Hendrzak had completed a Von Liebig Research Fellowship at Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida in 2000. She completed her fellowship training in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Wayne State University / Detroit Medical Center in 2007.


Patient Appointments

To make an appointment, please call (718) 270-1035

760 Parkside Avenue, Brooklyn NY, 11226
(Between New York and Nostrand Avenues)